Tag Archives: #MAETy2

Webinar: #AstTechUDL #MAETBridge

As education has transformed, the challenge of using technology, especially assistive technologies in conjunction with Universal Design for Learning (UDL) concepts has become more complex. But what does that all mean? UDL has three primary components; there must be multiple means of representation, action and expression and engagement. While uncovering this framework, we wanted to better understand how to use it while ensuring all students’ needs are met. Additionally, we wanted to explore how assistive technology can come along side UDL to enrich learning for all learners in our classrooms.

We hosted a webinar on YouTube Live on Wednesday, August 9 

While having our conversations using Google Hangout and the twitter hashtags, #MAETBridge #AstTechUDL, we learned a lot and had great conversation with our four guests.

  • Marnie Diem – Coordinator of Technological Adventures at Hillel Day School
  • Mike Ryan- Research Associate at Georgia Tech in the Center for Education Integrating Science, Mathematics, and Computing (CEISMC)
  • Randy Brookins- 4th grade teacher with experiences at Children’s Healthcare of atlanta, and resource at elementary , middle and high school levels
  • Stephen Blosser- Assistive Technology Specialist at MSU
We discussed the framework of UDL and different types of assistive technologies. Low tech versus high tech was something discussed a lot. Our experts mentioned that there are many applications now that students can use to aide in their learning. However, one of our experts mentioned how important it is to teach our students which aide works best for their learning. Allow students to play with different tools, but ensure they realize that the ‘fun’ one might not work best for them. As teachers, we must also get to know our students both academically and personally to ensure they are engaged while learning.

Our last statement from Marnie Diem was that we should not use technology just to use technology, we need to use it with a purpose so it aides in learning.

Participating and hosting a webinar was new to all of us, but it was a great experience and we learned new tools and ways to implement UDL and utilize assistive technologies that best fit our students.

Hosted by Jocelyn Paez, Earl Whittemore and Emily Sherbin (MAET students)

Specifically for CEP 815

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Looking forward and looking back

As my journey as an MAET student is almost complete, I reflect on the concepts, strategies, skills and technologies that have stuck out to me. I also think about the knowledge I have gained and how I can use it in the future in this essay.



Specifically for CEP 815

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Understanding Understanding

Have you ever read the terms and conditions to the social media accounts you have?

Neither do most people. Jocelyn Paez, Earl Whittemore and I wanted to find out if incoming Michigan State freshman knew what they were getting themselves into when they use social media.

We now live in a digital age where everything that we share on the internet is there forever. It is important for future generations to realize how important digital privacy is. But most people don’t understand what they are signing up for when they click the accept button.

While interviewing incoming freshman during their orientation, we found four major misconceptions. The video below emphasizes the four misconceptions, in addition to teaching everyone how to be more cautious of the things you share on the internet.

To find out more about these misconceptions, research on digital privacy and social media and to see how we interviewed the incoming freshman check out our website.

Specifically for CEP 822

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At first, going to a conference with MAET sounded great. I couldn’t wait to sit with peers in my program and learning from other educators about great tools and resources involving STEAM.

DFHDonMXsAAvAU5.jpgThen I come to find out that I’ll be one of those presenters, too. When the project was initially announced, I was apprehensive about presenting in front of teachers who have been teaching for longer than I have and to even figure out a topic. But with the help of my friends and group members, Bridget Bennett [@MsBennett4th] and Mary Ciotta [@MsCiotta], we figured it out.

Infographics. STEAM-Y Infographics. An infographic is a tool we have all used in our classrooms and with our students the past school year. We felt comfortable presenting and sharing this tool with other teachers.

The day of 517STEAMlab arrived and we were excited. We had eight educators in our audience including teachers and administrators. We started with a poll to gauge our attendees and we were happy to see that we had mostly novices and we could really impact their teaching.

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Our presentation went well and we felt successful as we had never had the opportunity to present at a conference. This experience made me realize that I, too, have something to share with the educational world.


Specifically for CEP 800

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